Taking Back Her Power and Control

After being assaulted as a teenager, Dana has gone on to join Aviva's SASSC team, and support others to regain their confidence and sense of control.

Tenancy Reform - What does the Family Violence clause mean?

As of today, new legislation from the Residential Tenancies Act 2020 has come into effect. The Act includes a section allowing those experiencing family violence to withdraw from tenancy with only two days’ notice, starting from 11th August 2021. But what does it all mean for you?

2020: A Year in Review

After such a challenging year, we are so thankful for all the support we have received this past year. Read about what that support helped us accomplish in 2020.

Thank You to Our Supporters

This year in particular would have been ten times harder than it already was if it wasn’t for the support of our community. When the work seemed impossibly hard, the generosity and confidence of you, our supporters, meant so much.

Research First’s Inaugural Charity Golf Tournament for Aviva

Monday 15 March 2021
We are excited to announce Research First’s Inaugural Charity Golf Tournament for Aviva, in partnership with The Crusaders and Clearwater Golf Club.

Michelle Rebuilds Confidence in Herself and as a Mum

“I remember getting a hand cream and a really nice soap and thinking, ‘Oh, I feel pretty today!’ It makes such a difference getting those because you don’t really think about those things for yourself at that time.”